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The price of each walk does not includes:

1. Entrance fees into premises

Some of the tours include excursions to premises related to the chosen topic of the walk. We recommend to make use of these opportunities, but it is at your discretion whether you want to pay the admission fees; we will respect your decision and modify the tour programme per your requirement.

You can get detailed information about admission prices on websites of particular premises, monuments, or institutions. We place the relevant links into the basic description of the walk on our web page.

2. Art workshops

Provided that a creative art workshop is the part of the walk, the price is always presented separately. Attendance at the workshop is voluntary and the activity can be completely left out per your decision and previous agreement with us.

3. Public transport fares

In the case of need, we can use the public city transport system (MHD) to move on efficiently to our destinations. We shall inform you in advance about this arrangement so that you can purchase the necessary travel pass in advance.

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